Individual Abstracts

If you have not submitted an abstract and still wish to be involved, we welcome your contribution. Please click here to create your submission by starting with a brief abstract. Your Full Paper submission deadline will still be Friday 31st January.

We are inviting your contributions to IALCCE2025 and looking forward to welcoming you in Melbourne, Australia, July, 2025!

Participants interested in presenting at IALCCE2025 are invited to submit their abstract via the Online Submission System, accessible via the button below. Review the MS/SS Topics in the PROGRAM menu above.

Submission are due by September 30th, 2024. Authors willing to present a paper at the Symposium are kindly invited to submit abstracts in accordance with the Symposium topics by September 30th, 2024, through the Online Submission System. The abstracts will be 300 – 400 words in length, clearly stating the significance, objectives, methodology and expected outcomes of the research contained in paper. You can also select the preferred Mini Symposia or Special Session at the submission stage. If you are not sure which theme/topic to choose, please select the ‘general’ category. The reviewers will allocate one in the review process. Otherwise select a theme/topic from a detailed summary of all MS and SS topics that can be found under the ‘Program’ heading. 

The Symposium proceedings will be published by Taylor & Francis with Scopus indexing and will be made available at the Symposium to registered participants.

Extended versions of selected papers presented at the Symposium will be considered for publication in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering - Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design & Performance, an international peer-reviewed scientific journal endorsed by IALCCE, and included in the ISI Science Citation Index.

30th September 2024!!!

  • Means of Submission - Online

    By clicking on the link above, you will be taken to a web page where you can cut and paste your Abstract submission in several simple steps. The benefits of this system are many but include:

    Allowing you to preview your Abstract summary abstract and make modifications to your satisfaction.

    Ensuring you know your lodgement is completed as you will receive an immediate email confirmation.

    Ensuring accurate indexing of all authors in the abstract listing.

    Ensuring consistent presentation of all abstracts in the proceedings (overarching formatting is imposed).

  • As long as you have filled your own email address correctly, you will get an immediate confirmation of your abstract being submitted.

    Should you wish to make changes to your Abstract submission after you have submitted it, please log into your online registration dashboard. Click the “manage” button. Under the Abstract heading you will be able to view, edit or submit a new abstract.

    Note: Once the submission deadline has passed and reviewing has commenced, no changes are permitted.

  • Once the summary submission deadline passes, the program committee will review all proposal submissions. Once reviewing has been completed, notification of programming decisions will come from the secretariat. A reminder that authors in the accepted MS/SS must submit their abstracts following the standard procedure for abstract submission through the Online Submission System. Authors must select the pertinent MS/SS when submitting their abstracts.

  • Acceptance in to the program is conditional on all presenters having valid conference registrations.

  • The Symposium proceedings will be published by Taylor & Francis with Scopus indexing and will be made available at the Symposium to registered participants.

    Extended versions of selected papers presented at the Symposium will be considered for publication in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering - Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design & Performance, an international peer-reviewed scientific journal endorsed by IALCCE, and included in the ISI Science Citation Index.